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August Rambles, # 1
23 Jul, 2022 | 1:00:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Routes & Branches & Beyond
I read somewhere that if you don't go rambling in August, then your ramble gene isn't working. I'm not sure of the origin of that saying. It could have been something I scribbled when I was preparing this show, so don't take it as received wisdom. That said, this week on Routes & Branches & Beyond we start a series...
23 Jul, 2022 | 1:00:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Routes & Branches & Beyond
I read somewhere that if you don't go rambling in August, then your ramble gene isn't working. I'm not sure of the origin of that saying. It could have been something I scribbled when I was preparing this show, so don't take it as received wisdom. That said, this week on Routes & Branches & Beyond we start a series...
21 Jul, 2022 | 0:30:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Fit to Eat: The NL Farm and Food Show
Broad social changes, including enhancements in food production, take root at the individual and household level. That is what matters in the end. Waving banners and marching and chanting slogans and wearing T-shirts and applying bumper stickers is fun and all. Trust me. But to make a social movement “stick,” it has to be something that prompts changes at the...
21 Jul, 2022 | 0:30:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Fit to Eat: The NL Farm and Food Show
For some folks who live in urban regions, the closest they come to a site of food production can be the farmer’s markets that populate the fringes of many cities. There they can see crops in the ground, watch the goats darting around with each other, pick a ripe strawberry, maybe even marvel at a pumpkin being shot out of...
20 Jul, 2022 | 0:30:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Fit to Eat: The NL Farm and Food Show
As regular listeners know, although “Fit to Eat” is focussed on food and agriculture in Newfoundland and Labrador, the show does travel from time to time. This episode we head to Ontario (just like so many of our province’s population over the years), But just temporarily. Today we talk about Urban Agriculture. And what better place to discuss that than...

20 Jul, 2022 | 1:00:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Routes & Branches & Beyond
OK, folks, this is your last chance for a family reunion for this season - at least on Routes & Branches & Beyond. On this, the fourth show of this theme, I have songs of cousins, uncles, aunts and families in all of their glory and complexity. I have heavy fiddle fusion, Greenwich Village 60s refugees, the Stradivarius of the...

20 Jul, 2022 | 1:00:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Routes & Branches & Beyond
What do Aunts and Cousins and Uncles have in common? Depending on your family, you may say "lots" or maybe "nothing." But they are all part of our show today on Routes & Branches & Beyond. Kin... the close friends we don't get to choose. I have nostalgic tunes for long-departed Aunts, itinerant mining Cousins, the bagpiping side of the...
18 Jul, 2022 | 0:30:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Fit to Eat: The NL Farm and Food Show
What is waste? Well, that depends. If you use the word as an adjective or a noun, it may mean a material that is discarded as no longer useful, given the current levels of imagination and technology. However, as a verb, waste can mean “to use or expend carelessly.” As in, “we are wasting 60 percent of a cod fish.”...

13 Jul, 2022 | 0:59:59 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Routes & Branches & Beyond
It is summer, so we are deep into reunion season - and the sweet joys and awkward silences that such occasions can provide. So on this week's Routes & Branches & Beyond we have the second in a series on extended families. I have homemade plaster recipes, three different Auntie Marys (are they maybe related?), shepherd retirement schemes, Scottish street...
11 Jul, 2022 | 0:30:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Fit to Eat: The NL Farm and Food Show
Today on "Fit to Eat" we head to Iceland for a couple of chats, just to see how things related to food and agriculture, and rural in general, are going there since Covid rearranged many of our plans. We meet up with Dóróthea Ármann of Friðheimar, where they produce tomatoes, cucumbers and fine horses, and operate a very popular restaurant...

08 Jul, 2022 | 1:00:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Routes & Branches & Beyond
Summer is a time for many things, and one of those is meeting up with extended family - at reunions, for example. Most family members come out of hiding, at some point, while the sun is shining and the days are long. So what better to do these days than to have a short series on families - with songs...

04 Jul, 2022 | 0:30:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Routes & Branches & Beyond
Labrador. The Big Land. The 3rd word in the official title of this province, even though its territory constitutes over 70% of the land mass of said province. The name “Labrador” was bestowed by a Portuguese explorer, João Fernandes Lavrador. Lavrador in Portuguese means “farmer” or “labourer.” So it makes sense that on today’s show, we head to central Labrador,...
01 Jul, 2022 | 0:30:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Fit to Eat: The NL Farm and Food Show
This week we take a peek behind the scenes to the world of food policy and food strategy and food insecurity. It is a world of meetings and research and conversation and actions and proposals and collaboration and … did I mention meetings? And we encounter the gymnastics involved in getting food to people at their time of need, and...

01 Jul, 2022 | 1:00:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Routes & Branches & Beyond
As summer starts to ramp up, and just before we head out of the darkly-lit studio to embrace the sunlight, I take another look at some music that is relatively new to this world. We have hearts dancing to crisp guitars, sprightly accordion grannies, Scots trad stride piano, Western grit for old souls, good-time songs for folksong jamborees, classical guitars...

26 Jun, 2022 | 1:00:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Routes & Branches & Beyond
Every now and again, it is helpful to lift your head and see what has been going on around you. That is what we do today on Routes & Branches & Beyond - I play some music that is relatively new to this world. I have remote Scottish electronocelt, romantic (but unrealistic) odes to ploughboy laddies, unforgetful travel tunes, Canadian...
20 Jun, 2022 | 0:30:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Fit to Eat: The NL Farm and Food Show
When you hear people talk about "local food," does the picture in your head include fish? Why do some folks talk about "fish and food" as if the two are not in the same category? Why don't we have just one basket for food - one that includes figgy duff and fat back and fiddleheads, as well as fish? Today's...
16 Jun, 2022 | 0:30:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Fit to Eat: The NL Farm and Food Show
Here's a skill testing question for you: about what percentage of the beef that is eaten in Newfoundland and Labrador comes from the province? What do you think? A quarter? Less? A tenth? More? I don't want to spoil the suspense for you, so for the answer you'll have to listen in to this week's "Fit to Eat: the NL...

16 Jun, 2022 | 1:00:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Routes & Branches & Beyond
As I record this episode of "Routes & Branches & Beyond," it is still spring. So I might as well try to slip one more set of rambles in before summer overtakes us. I have adrenalin-racing jazzgrass, guitar routes less travelled, fanciful cliffs, grievous angel laments, songwriters on mandolins, ethereal viola d'amores, waltzes that are almost certain French (or maybe...
11 Jun, 2022 | 0:30:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Fit to Eat: The NL Farm and Food Show
You've seen the idyllic images - of strong farmers, looking over their productive fields and healthy stock, lost in thought, with a piece of straw in their mouth and accomplishment overflowing in their hearts. And these images are sometimes accurate, indeed. But sometimes farming can be stressful, lonely, challenging, unprofitable, and more. This week on "Fit to Eat" I talk...

11 Jun, 2022 | 1:00:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Routes & Branches & Beyond
For today's show, we feature "Music from the Happiest Country on Earth." Yes, indeed, Finland has recently been announced as the happiest place to live once again, so let's find out if it is the music that makes them so joyous. Besides, I just got back from there, so I'm in the mood to explore more about Finnish culture. Polskas,...
04 Jun, 2022 | 0:30:00 |
EN | Ivan Emke | Fit to Eat: The NL Farm and Food Show
In my experience, there are certain places that have a special aura – a powerful presence. Maybe a small brook with a few delightful riffle sequences. Or a forest coming to life on an early spring morning. Or a warm barn full of animals on a cold winter day, with the sound of the sheep and cattle contentedly munching on...