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Search Results: Displaying 1 to 20 of 141 Records
Next 20 Records
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MP, BDO, Extraordinary Bodies
09 Sep, 2022 | 0:29:52 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
KBG Foundation, Lola's Roundtable, Parasport
19 Aug, 2022 | 0:29:59 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Groove & Go, Music Therapy MRKH
12 Aug, 2022 | 0:29:56 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Sign Language Advocacy, Art Therapy, Neuromuscular Disease
15 Jul, 2022 | 0:29:44 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

this program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
The Iroquois system has lasted hundreds of years
11 Apr, 2022 | 0:28:48 |
EN | Frieda Werden | WINGS

Barbara Alice Mann describes the inner workings of a long-established North American matriarchal society, where women lead the arrangement of life, including festivals, collective decision-making, management of longhouses, food storage, marriages, childrearing, inheritance, rotating land use, agriculture, food storage, sharing, and gift-giving.  And war and peace.
Adapted Ballet, Fighting Blindness Canada, physical challenges centre
11 Mar, 2022 | 0:29:59 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
AKU, Reporting on Mental Health, Art of Autism
14 Jan, 2022 | 0:29:55 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Cosplay, Advocacy, Pledge drive 2021
26 Nov, 2021 | 0:29:59 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

this program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Arts of Life, engineer's design, parasport
12 Nov, 2021 | 0:30:00 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Paralympian's Journey, Creative Growth, Carousel
05 Nov, 2021 | 0:29:54 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

this program focuses on disability issues. host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Petrie Island Canoe Club, participation Project Hands on
29 Oct, 2021 | 0:29:59 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Today the sto­ry of Cor­nelia Hahn Ober­lan­der of Van­cou­ver!
20 Oct, 2021 | 0:29:48 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Today the sto­ry of Cor­nelia Hahn Ober­lan­der of Van­cou­ver?—?one of the great­est land­scape archi­tects of the mod­ern era. The world’s most valu­able award in that field is The Cor­nelia Hahn Ober­lan­der Inter­na­tion­al Land­scape Archi­tect Prize. We hear the sto­ry of her escape from Nazi Ger­many, her ear­ly land­scape works in Philadel­phia pub­lic hous­ing, her stun­ning park at Expo 67, her...
Every Canadian Counts, I can shine, Listen to dis
07 Oct, 2021 | 0:30:00 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

this program focuses on disability issues. host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Local archi­tec­ture to help save the plan­et!
07 Oct, 2021 | 0:29:41 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Local archi­tec­ture to help save the plan­et. The sto­ry of the first com­mer­cial build­ing in all of Man­i­to­ba to achieve “Pas­sive House Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.” We go deep with Stan­tec Win­nipeg — the firm tasked with this lead­ing-edge design at Fort Whyte Alive.
Spina bifida story, access gallery, soccer
24 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:33 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Media opportunities (Disability Channel), CADDAC, Arts Access
17 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:46 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Our Season Two Premiere!
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:54 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Prairie Design Lab returns w/Sea­son 2. In Episode 1 meet Win­nipeg-born Bisi Williams?—The Chief Insights Offi­cer of the Chica­go-based Mas­sive Change Net­work & the part­ner of Bruce Mau. Find out why this expan­sive thinker calls her­self "archi­tec­ture & design adja­cent", a "Prairie chau­vin­ist" & a "Win­nip­i­geon".
Our Season One Finale!
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:46 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Today’s episode, #28, is the final one of the first sea­son of PDL. Don’t wor­ry. We’ll be back in the fall. Today we explore the impact of 30 years of the stu­dent-pro­duced Ware­house Jour­nal, and we offer you the chance to win a copy.
Ten years after set­ting indige­nous achieve­ment as a strate­gic pri­or­i­ty at the U of M!
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:40:00 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Ten years after set­ting indige­nous achieve­ment as a strate­gic pri­or­i­ty at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba, hear about its impact. Two pro­fes­sors and a stu­dent from The Fac­ul­ty of Archi­tec­ture are see­ing many more indige­nous stu­dents, more schol­ar­ships for them, more activism, and more con­nec­tions to indige­nous com­mu­ni­ties across the west­ern hemisphere.
A rad­i­cal pro­pos­al for a Toron­to water­front land­mark.
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:50 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

In episode 26, we dis­cuss a rad­i­cal pro­pos­al for a Toron­to water­front land­mark whose future is in doubt. Ontario Place is fifty years old and has been closed for ten. A team of Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba and Ryer­son Uni­ver­si­ty archi­tec­ture grads and stu­dents tell us about their award-win­ning project that rede­fines rela­tion­ships with nature and mit­i­gates cli­mate change.
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