Program Info:Return

(Jesse M. Zimmerman)

Post G20 Rally

The rally held the day after...

Length: 0:10:17
Uploaded: 13 Jul, 2010

Recording Date: 28 Jun, 2010
Recording Location: Toronto
Logsheet: none
Language: English
Topical for: Timeless
Status: Complete, Ready to Air

Program Title: Post G20 Rally
Description: Thousands gathered for a rally against police brutality that took place at the G20. Here are some snippets and speeches, including Naomi Klein, Judy Rebick, and some music by Faith Nolan.

Host(s): Jesse Zimmerman
Featured Speakers/Guests: Naomi Klein, Faith Nolan, Judy Rebick


Comments: please distribute widely, may have some coarse language

Politics > Activism
Society and Culture > Racism
Type: Commentary

File Information
(h:mm:ss) 0:10:17
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