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(Brent Holland)

Tri City Ghost Hunters Society

weekend ghost hunters get more than the bargain for


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Length: 1:00:00
Uploaded: 12 Aug, 2010

Recording Date: 11 Aug, 2010
Recording Location: CKLU Laurentian University
Logsheet: none
Language: English
Topical for: Timeless
Status: Complete, Ready to Air
Copyright: (C) Brent Holland

Program Title: Tri City Ghost Hunters Society
Description: Tri-City Ghost Hunters Society officially became a group on July 16, 2009. It was founded by Nicole Beauchamp & Mandy Moore. This group does research on haunted locations and offers free investigations to anyone in need. Unfortunately, The team is not looking for new members at this time.

The team is composed of all seasoned investigators. All members are respectful, trustworthy and understanding individuals. Among the members of this group, there is 15+ years experience with the paranormal. While the group is based in the Tri-Cities, Lansing and Mount Morris, MI and likes to research local locations, they also have a love for investigating out-of-state locations. A few of the places they have investigated have been listed as the scariest places on EarthEvidence collected includes: EVPS, odd photographs and unexplainable videos. TCGHS has also had their fair share of personal experiences. Several of the other group members have also witnessed what they believe to be paranormal activity on both team and individual investigations. The group's arsenal includes: KII meters, digital cameras, digital audio recorders, thermometers, and video cameras. TCGHS goes into all investigations with an open mind and scientific theories in order to provide answers for the clients. All investigations our group performs are confidential unless the owner gives us permission to publish information.

Host(s): Brent Holland
Featured Speakers/Guests: Nicole Beauchamp

Credits: (C) Muisc, research, text, guest booking, etc. Brent Holland

Comments: Night Fright is available for free syndication
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Type: Weekly Program

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(h:mm:ss) 1:00:00
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