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(Brent Holland)

Lee Harvey Oswald

researcher Rick Nelson spent a year with Marina Oswald to get her thoughts


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Length: 1:00:00
Uploaded: 25 Sep, 2010

Recording Date: 8 Sep, 2010
Recording Location: CKLU Laurentian University
Logsheet: none
Language: English
Topical for: Timeless
Status: Complete, Ready to Air
Copyright: (C) Brent Holland

Program Title: Lee Harvey Oswald
Description: Night Fright with host Brent Holland: your voice in the dark for paranormal & conspiracy radio
Night Fright is the number #1 Canadian based radio show of its genre and is syndicated across Canada and is available on a free syndication basis. Contact us at to have the show on your station.
Topic: JFK Assassination Lee Harvey Oswald
Guest: Rick Nelson
Nov. 22 1963. Shots ring out and moments later a young President lay dying in his wife's arms. Only two hours later a young man is arrested while watching a movie. He is charged with the assassination, but, unlike all other assassins, he is the only one to date to emphatically deny he killed anyone. That man's name is Lee Harvey Oswald. Only 3 days later Oswald is a victim himself by a mafia thug by the name of Jack Ruby. Was Oswald the real assassin or was he just the patsy he claimed he was? Was he capable of the shooting? Is he the only shooter? Was he silenced to prevent him revealing the true conspiracy at work? Our guest Rick Nelson lived with Marina Oswald (Oswald's widow) and her husband Ken Porter for a year. Marina gave personal insights that year into the true nature and character of her late husband, one Lee Harvey Oswald. Next to Marina, Rick Nelson just maybe the leading expert on the real Lee Harvey Oswald.

Host(s): Brent Holland
Featured Speakers/Guests: Rick Nelson

Credits: (C) Muisc, research, text, guest booking, etc. Brent Holland

Comments: Night Fright is available for free syndication
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Type: Weekly Program

File Information
(h:mm:ss) 1:00:00
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