Program Info:Return

(Brent Holland)

Oliver Stone's JFK Oscar winning feature film part 2 of 2

Robert Groden senior consultant to Oliver Stone on the film


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Length: 1:00:00
Uploaded: 16 Nov, 2010

Recording Date: 3 Nov, 2010
Recording Location: CKLU Laurentian University
Logsheet: none
Language: English
Topical for: Timeless
Status: Complete, Ready to Air
Copyright: (C) Brent Holland

Program Title: Oliver Stone's JFK Oscar winning feature film part 2 of 2
Description: Topic: Oliver Stone's JFK Oscar winning feature film
Guest: Rick Nelson and Robert GrodenĀ 
Robert Groden senior consultant to Oliver Stone on the film

Host(s): Brent Holland
Featured Speakers/Guests: Guest: Rick Nelson and Robert Groden Robert Groden senior consultant to Oliver Stone on the film

Credits: (C) Muisc, research, text, guest booking, etc. Brent Holland

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Type: Weekly Program

File Information
(h:mm:ss) 1:00:00
2010_11_10_JFKMovie_Groden_Nelson_SHOWMASTERED_Part_2of2_mp3 Download (7)
2010_11_10_JFKMovie_Groden_Nelson_SHOWMASTERED_Part_2of2_mp3.mp3 56,535k
128kbps Stereo
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