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(Ken Zakreski, developer)

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking with David Livingstone


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Uploaded by:

Ken Zakreski

Volunteer at NCRA / ANREC

Length: 0:59:41
Uploaded: 4 Sep, 2013

Recording Date: 4 Sep, 2013
Recording Location: Vancouver Island University
Logsheet: none
Language: English
Topical for: 1 Month
Status: Complete, Ready to Air
Copyright: share

Program Title: Critical Thinking
Description: In this episode Skea Kezee sits down with David Livingstone, professor at our own Vancouver Island University to start a discussion on the big questions.

What is a good life for a human being? How do human beings relate to nature?
What is critical thinking to you? How can we start ourselves down a path to critical thinking and reasoning.

We talk about a Liberal education versus a civic education. Hear a few reasons to take a liberal studies education. David tells us a little of the Project he's working on and its treatment of education.

This week we finish off with Gertie News, a report from Steve Jackson coordinator for the new bus system on Gabriola, new schedule alert, coming soon.

We'll be listening to Modern Superstitions not their new album, but their first from 2010 titled "All The Things We've Been Told"

Books mentioned in this episode:
The Closing of the American Mind is a 1987 book by Allan Bloom. It describes "how higher education has failed democracy and impoverished the souls of today's students." He focuses especially upon the "openness" of relativism as leading paradoxically to the great "closing" referenced in the book's title. Bloom argues that "openness" and absolute understanding undermines critical thinking and eliminates the "point of view" that defines cultures. cite Wikipedia

Host(s): Ken Zakreski
Featured Speakers/Guests: David Livingstone, Ken Zakreski

Credits: Ken Zakreski, David Livingstone, Steve Jackson

Comments: CKGI StIDs in place

Type: Documentary

File Information
(h:mm:ss) 0:59:41
Spea Kezee e1 Download (0)
Spea_Kezee_e1.mp3 57,289k
128kbps Stereo
Comments: CKGI StIDs in place

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