Program Info:Return

(CKUT News Department)

Protesters disrupt "Petrocultures" conference at McGill University

"Lockdown Petroculture" and "Divest McGill" protest against the annual conference "Petrocultures"

Length: 0:04:59
Uploaded: 18 Feb, 2014

Recording Date: 7 Feb, 2014
Recording Location: McGill Faculty Club 3450 McTavish Montreal Quebec and CKUT
Logsheet: none
Language: English
Topical for: Timeless
Status: Complete, Ready to Air

Program Title: Protesters disrupt "Petrocultures" conference at McGill University
Description: Amelie and June interviewed representatives of the two groups, “Lockdown Petroculture” and “Divest McGIll notre future”, who protested against the “Petrocultures 2014: Oil, Energy, and Canada's Future.” These two groups protested because the conference was giving the platform to voices of the oil industry supporters.

Host(s): June Jang and Amelie Philipson
Featured Speakers/Guests: Gabby and Amina who are members of Divest McGill, and Mona Luxion from Lock Out PetroCultures.



Environment > Climate Change
Type: Interview

File Information
(h:mm:ss) 0:04:59
Lockdown Petrocultures Download (7)
Groundwire_(petroculture)_1.wav 105,831k
32kbps Stereo
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