Program Info:Return

(Michael Welch)

Corona Virus a Second Look Part 5: Corporate Plunder and Hope for Political Change

Michel Chossudovsky on collapses of economies, Radhika Desai on politics after the pandemic

Length: 0:59:04
Uploaded: 23 Oct, 2020

Recording Date: 23 Oct, 2020
Recording Location: CKUW 95.9FM in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Logsheet: none
Language: English
Topical for: Timeless
Status: Complete, Ready to Air

Program Title: Corona Virus a Second Look Part 5: Corporate Plunder and Hope for Political Change
Description: This week's Global Research News Hour examines the Social and economic consequences of major changes resulting from the corona virus and actions designed to contain it. In our first half hour we’ll speak with Professor Michel Chossudovsky about the Social and economic implications of the fight against Covid for labour and small businesses.
Then in our second half hour, Professor of political studies professor Radhika Desai talks to journalist Chris Cook about her 7 part series WHAT IS TO BE DONE? A MANIFESTO FOR POLITICS AMID THE PANDEMIC AND BEYOND

Host(s): Michael Welch
Featured Speakers/Guests: Professor Michel Chossudovsky Professor Radhika Desai

Credits: interviews by Michael Welch and Chris Cook


Regional > United States
Regional > Asia
Type: Weekly Program

File Information
(h:mm:ss) 0:59:04
GRNH_292_oct23_2020_.mp3 Download (5)
GRNH_292_oct23_2020_.mp3 56,715k
128kbps Stereo
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