Program Info:Return

(Shawna Sprowls)

Julianne Malveaux – Economic Justice: Dr. King’s Legacy

Julianne Malveaux – Economic Justice: Dr. King’s Legacy

Length: 0:57:00
Uploaded: 21 Feb, 2022

Recording Date: 18 Jan, 1994
Recording Location:
Logsheet: logsheet_265236.doc
Language: English
Topical for: 1 Week
Status: Complete, Ready to Air

Program Title: Julianne Malveaux – Economic Justice: Dr. King’s Legacy
Description: The conventional media image of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has him frozen in time on August 28, 1963, giving his inspirational “I Have a Dream” speech. Little attention is paid to King’s political and social evolution in the last five years of his life. He became a strong critic of the Vietnam War. In his sermon at the Riverside Church in New York he denounced the war and “the giant triplets of racism, materialism and militarism.” King increasingly saw the link between economic justice and racial equality and insisted that one was impossible without the other. His final days were spent in Memphis actively supporting a strike by black sanitation workers and he was planning to launch a poor people’s march on Washington, D.C. An assassin’s bullet ended his life on April 4, 1968.

Featured Speakers/Guests: Julianne Malveaux is an economist and political commentator. She has taught at major colleges and universities and is author of Sex, Lies and Stereotypes, Wall Street, Main Street and the Side Street, and Surviving and Thriving.



Society and Culture > Racism
Type: Speech/Presentation

File Information
(h:mm:ss) 0:57:00
Julianne Malveaux Economic Justice: Dr. King's Legacy Download (3)
Malveaux-EconomicJustice_pacNCRA.mp3 54,739k
128kbps Mono
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