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(Frieda Werden)

WINGS#04-22 Accounting for Whom? - FOR WEEK OF 8 MAY 2022

Marilyn Waring vs. the GDP


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Length: 0:28:42
Uploaded: 27 Apr, 2022

Recording Date: 22 Apr, 2022
Recording Location: New Zealand, Canada, US
Logsheet: none
Language: English
Topical for: Timeless
Status: Complete, Ready to Air
Copyright: Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Program Title: WINGS#04-22 Accounting for Whom? - FOR WEEK OF 8 MAY 2022
Description: Waring asserts and documents that the UN-prescribed system of international accounts was designed to justify expenditures on war, that it serves weapons manufacturers very well, but has severe deficiencies as a set of decision-making statistics for governance. She gives examples from various countries of the perverse results of using money annually spent as the only measure of value and national success and taking no notice of other human activity or environmental conditions.

Host(s): Maria Gilardin, Frieda Werden
Featured Speakers/Guests: Marilyn Waring formerly chaired the Public Expenditures Committee of New Zealand's Parliament. Her most famous book is If Women Counted. She has a doctorate in Political Economy, and continues to mount international campaigns against the GDP.

Credits: Audio documentary by Maria Gilardin of TUC Radio, based on the 1996 documentary film Who's Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies and Global Economics, produced by Canadian filmmaker Terre Nash and now available to view at - Program adapted for WINGS by Frieda Werden.


Science and Technology
Society and Culture
Type: Weekly Program

File Information
(h:mm:ss) 0:28:42
WINGS04-22AccountingForWhom-28_43.wav Download (23)
WINGS04-22AccountingForWhom-28_43.wav 151,959k
88kbps Mono
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