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(Ivan Emke)

Fit to Eat for 9 August 2022 Susan Lester

At the Farmer's Market with Susan Lester


Fit to Eat: The NL Farm and Food Show Show Series Detail List All Series podcast

  » # Episodes: 118
  » Most Recent: 21 Jul, 2022
Uploaded by:

Ivan Emke/ VOBB/ CKVB


A long-time community radio enthusiast, I enjoy stations with huge diversity... stations with programs that I have to sometimes turn...

Length: 0:30:00
Uploaded: 21 Jul, 2022

Recording Date: 20 Jul, 2022
Recording Location: St. John's, NL
Logsheet: none
Language: English
Topical for: Timeless
Status: Complete, Ready to Air

Program Title: Fit to Eat for 9 August 2022 Susan Lester
Description: For some folks who live in urban regions, the closest they come to a site of food production can be the farmer’s markets that populate the fringes of many cities. There they can see crops in the ground, watch the goats darting around with each other, pick a ripe strawberry, maybe even marvel at a pumpkin being shot out of a catapult. These markets are little sites of education and wonder - slowly spreading the message of where our food comes from. Today, we head to one such market.
If you live in NL's capital city, the market that may have opened your eyes to food production could have been Lester’s Farm Market, right there on Brookfield Road, where the food-consuming city shades into the food-producing countryside. It was there that I met up with Susan Lester, a 6th generation farmer, early one morning at the beginning of Thanksgiving Week in 2021. This is one of the busiest weeks of the year for a farm market, but she still took the time out to chat. I hope that you have the time to listen.

Host(s): Ivan Emke
Featured Speakers/Guests: Susan Lester



Health > Food and Nutrition
Regional > Canada > Newfoundland and Labrador
Environment > Agriculture
Society and Culture
Type: Interview

File Information
(h:mm:ss) 0:30:00
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