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Search Results: Displaying 1 to 20 of 32 Records
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Today the sto­ry of Cor­nelia Hahn Ober­lan­der of Van­cou­ver!
20 Oct, 2021 | 0:29:48 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Today the sto­ry of Cor­nelia Hahn Ober­lan­der of Van­cou­ver?—?one of the great­est land­scape archi­tects of the mod­ern era. The world’s most valu­able award in that field is The Cor­nelia Hahn Ober­lan­der Inter­na­tion­al Land­scape Archi­tect Prize. We hear the sto­ry of her escape from Nazi Ger­many, her ear­ly land­scape works in Philadel­phia pub­lic hous­ing, her stun­ning park at Expo 67, her...
Local archi­tec­ture to help save the plan­et!
07 Oct, 2021 | 0:29:41 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Local archi­tec­ture to help save the plan­et. The sto­ry of the first com­mer­cial build­ing in all of Man­i­to­ba to achieve “Pas­sive House Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.” We go deep with Stan­tec Win­nipeg — the firm tasked with this lead­ing-edge design at Fort Whyte Alive.
How to get car­bon out of Architecture!
24 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:54 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Accord­ing to cli­mate sci­en­tists the plan­et has until 2030 to cut car­bon diox­ide emis­sions in half. Win­nipeg-born Kel­ly Alvarez Doran is a world leader on cli­mate-pos­i­tive design. He describes how to get car­bon out of architecture.
Our Season Two Premiere!
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:54 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Prairie Design Lab returns w/Sea­son 2. In Episode 1 meet Win­nipeg-born Bisi Williams?—The Chief Insights Offi­cer of the Chica­go-based Mas­sive Change Net­work & the part­ner of Bruce Mau. Find out why this expan­sive thinker calls her­self "archi­tec­ture & design adja­cent", a "Prairie chau­vin­ist" & a "Win­nip­i­geon".
Our Season One Finale!
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:46 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Today’s episode, #28, is the final one of the first sea­son of PDL. Don’t wor­ry. We’ll be back in the fall. Today we explore the impact of 30 years of the stu­dent-pro­duced Ware­house Jour­nal, and we offer you the chance to win a copy.
Ten years after set­ting indige­nous achieve­ment as a strate­gic pri­or­i­ty at the U of M!
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:40:00 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Ten years after set­ting indige­nous achieve­ment as a strate­gic pri­or­i­ty at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba, hear about its impact. Two pro­fes­sors and a stu­dent from The Fac­ul­ty of Archi­tec­ture are see­ing many more indige­nous stu­dents, more schol­ar­ships for them, more activism, and more con­nec­tions to indige­nous com­mu­ni­ties across the west­ern hemisphere.
A rad­i­cal pro­pos­al for a Toron­to water­front land­mark.
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:50 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

In episode 26, we dis­cuss a rad­i­cal pro­pos­al for a Toron­to water­front land­mark whose future is in doubt. Ontario Place is fifty years old and has been closed for ten. A team of Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba and Ryer­son Uni­ver­si­ty archi­tec­ture grads and stu­dents tell us about their award-win­ning project that rede­fines rela­tion­ships with nature and mit­i­gates cli­mate change.
An East-West Architectual Connection.
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:55 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Episode 25 of Prairie Design Lab is titled ?"Japan." This week we meet Jun Shi­ba­ta, a Japan­ese stu­dent who came to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba to learn Eng­lish & study archi­tec­ture and was lat­er accept­ed into the pres­ti­gious Bartlett School of Archi­tec­ture. We also meet an indi­vid­ual from Bran­don, Man­i­to­ba, named Will Gal­loway, who came to the U of M...
North America's "Maestra Of Majesty"!
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:21 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Canada’s ?"House of LMD" inte­ri­or design has 40 lux­u­ry projects on the go that can span six years and encom­pass 30,000 sq. ft. After 35 years of suc­cess, Lori Mor­ris shares how this ?"design dar­ling" went from small-town Ontario to become North Amer­i­ca’s "Maes­tra of Majesty."
We dis­cuss the endur­ing appeal of mid-cen­tu­ry mod­ern fur­ni­ture.
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:51 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

In Episode 23, we dis­cuss the endur­ing appeal of mid-cen­tu­ry mod­ern fur­ni­ture. Three U of M design­ers con­vers­es on the newest incar­na­tions of the ever-pop­u­lar ?’30s through 60’s Eames, Bertoia, and Saari­nen styles.
Across Win­nipeg’s inner city, there is a great need for improved hous­ing.
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:48 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Cracked win­dows. Leaky roofs. Aban­doned hous­es. Across Win­nipeg’s inner city, there is a great need for improved hous­ing. Many exist­ing homes are old, over­crowd­ed, and in poor repair. We meet the head of a social enter­prise and an archi­tec­tur­al asso­ciate who are work­ing togeth­er to build afford­able new homes.
A leader we lost too soon.
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:36:41 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

A leader we lost too soon. Archi­tect David Pen­ner died sud­den­ly in Jan­u­ary of 2020 at 61. His lega­cy lives on. We salute the gift­ed design­er & founder of Store­front Manitoba.
West Coast Mod­ern Archi­tec­ture Success!
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:14 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

How is it that two of the most suc­cess­ful West Coast Mod­ern Archi­tec­ture prac­ti­tion­ers both trained at The Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba’s Fac­ul­ty of Archi­tec­ture? What was it about The U of M’s rigours that pre­pared D’ar­cy Jones and Sean Pear­son for West Coast notoriety?
Design to make you smile!
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:28:22 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Today on ?"Whim­sy"?—?Episode 19 of Prairie Design Lab?—?design to make you smile. Much design, no mat­ter how beau­ti­ful and use­ful, can be sort of seri­ous. We intro­duce you to two Win­nipeg design­ers who put delight, plea­sure, and whim­sy at the cen­tre of what they cre­ate, and peo­ple across North Amer­i­ca are smil­ing as they dis­cov­er it.
What shapes your taste in colours?
07 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:42 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

When you paint­ed your bed­room last month why did you choose that colour? What’s the colour of your favorite sweater? What colour is your front door? What shapes your taste in colours? Episode 18 of Prairie Design Lab meets three peo­ple from the glob­al colour indus­try, with dis­tinct Win­nipeg con­nec­tions, who ana­lyze and shape world­wide colour tastes.
What does hand­made book­bind­ing have to do with Inte­ri­or Design?
06 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:32 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

What does hand­made book­bind­ing have to do with Inte­ri­or Design? Plen­ty, as we’ll find out from a book­bind­ing artist, an Inte­ri­or Design pro­fes­sor, and two stu­dents who saw and felt the link between the two first hand.
Peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties often face chal­lenges in access­ing resources.
05 Sep, 2021 | 0:41:55 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

Peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties often face chal­lenges in access­ing resources and fund­ing to pay for their hous­ing and care. We explore what it takes to cre­ate hous­ing to sup­port them in their needs with Amie Gross (NYC), and Emi­ly Bar­ber (U of M Inte­ri­or Design Mas­ters stu­dent) spe­cial­iz­ing in Sup­port­ive Housing.
An interview with world-renowned French land­scape archi­tect Michel Desvi­gne!
05 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:16 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

World-renowned French land­scape archi­tect Michel Desvigne tells us why trans­for­ma­tion, trans­po­si­tion, and time are at the core of his success.
What makes an old build­ing worth con­serv­ing?
05 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:16 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

What makes an old build­ing worth con­serv­ing? Three Win­nipeg archi­tects who have focused on her­itage preser­va­tion work explain the chal­lenges and val­ues that infuse their work.
You start out at a good archi­tec­ture school in your home­town, but?—?you get rest­less
05 Sep, 2021 | 0:29:18 |
EN | UMFM Music Department | Prairie Design Lab

You start out at a good archi­tec­ture school in your home­town, but?—?you get rest­less. You want to exper­i­ment with learn­ing & work­ing in a dif­fer­ent set­ting at a new school & work­place?—?far from home. Today on Prairie Design Lab, we talk with three peo­ple who left for Hong Kong, Oslo & Frank­furt to do just that.
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