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Search Results: Displaying 121 to 140 of 17934 Records
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Poverty and disability (strummer day 2023)
21 Dec, 2023 | 0:29:54 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Chris Hedges - The Israeli-Palestinian War
18 Dec, 2023 | 0:57:01 |
EN | Shawna Sprowls |

The death toll of Palestinians in Gaza will soon surpass 20,000 with many more wounded. The UN says Gaza is “a graveyard for children.” The history of the Israeli-Palestinian war did not begin on October 7. While the atrocities of that day cannot and should not be excused, they have to be located in the context of decades of Israeli...
NaitBabies, PH Aware Global, Project FAVA
14 Dec, 2023 | 0:29:58 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Norman Solomon – The Madness of Militarism
11 Dec, 2023 | 0:57:00 |
EN | Shawna Sprowls |

Many are familiar with Eisenhower’s 1961 warning of “the military industrial complex.” Veteran CIA analyst Ray McGovern has expanded on Ike’s phrase. He coined the term MICIMATT, the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Inteligence-Media-Academia-Think Tank complex. How does it work?  The notorious revolving door syndrome links the Pentagon to the arms manufacturers to Congress. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is a perfect example. Before being...
PMSF, OI Foundation, Craig's Cause
07 Dec, 2023 | 0:29:53 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Noam Chomsky - When Lunatics Run the Asylum
04 Dec, 2023 | 0:57:00 |
EN | Shawna Sprowls |

The future of humankind and the planet are in danger from the twin existential threats of terminal nuclear war and climate catastrophe. The response? The Biden administration is following through on Pentagon plans to “modernize” its nuclear arsenal. Instead of eliminating these weapons of mass destruction we are upgrading them. And the clock is ticking louder and louder on the...
Stuttering, Story, Yoga
30 Nov, 2023 | 0:29:53 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Joseph Stiglitz - Democracy & the Failure of Neoliberal Globalization
27 Nov, 2023 | 0:57:00 |
EN | Shawna Sprowls |

Neoliberal economics has exposed the dark side of the American dream. It took off with Reagan and Thatcher. For most workers incomes have stagnated except for the very rich, whose incomes have more than quadrupled. Biden correctly points out that millions of people have gotten new jobs. But despite that, the typical family is actually getting paid less taking inflation into...
sca27b, Parasport, NEC
23 Nov, 2023 | 0:29:50 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Russell Means – Knowing Who You Are: Lessons from Native America
20 Nov, 2023 | 0:57:00 |
EN | Shawna Sprowls |

For years the indigenous peoples of the U.S., after having been dispersed and decimated and relegated to reservations, were reduced to caricatures. We all knew Indians and their culture. There was the familiar medicine man, the trading post, Geronimo and Crazy Horse, papooses and squaws, tepees and tomahawks, war dances and war parties. Tonto was the epitome of faithfulness and...
SOS, poverty (Pledge drive 2023)
16 Nov, 2023 | 0:29:41 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Norman Finkelstein - A Brief History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
13 Nov, 2023 | 0:57:00 |
EN | Shawna Sprowls |

The world’s eyes are on Gaza. It is ruled by Hamas. Hamas is an acronym in Arabic for the Islamic Resistance Movement. A bit of history. Gaza came under Israeli military control in 1967. That continued for thirty-eight years until 2005. Since then, it has been subjected to an Israeli-imposed siege and blockade and a series of bloody wars. Israel...
Neuroendocrine tumor research, wonder baby, poverty
09 Nov, 2023 | 0:29:35 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
CSNK21A, Fara, Pericarditis
02 Nov, 2023 | 0:29:36 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Vandana Shiva – Real Food, Real Farming
30 Oct, 2023 | 0:57:00 |
EN | Shawna Sprowls |

We live in a time where our connection with food and with the farmers that grow it has been undermined. The root of the problem is a growing dependence on a dysfunctional paradigm based on pesticides and monocultures, and a separation between humans and nature. How we produce, distribute, and consume food is increasingly becoming the center of the multiple...
28 min feature of The Adam Brown plus 28 min of Western Canadian indie music mix
27 Oct, 2023 | 0:56:33 |
EN | Mae Wandinger | Indie Beat

28 minute feature (includes interview and songs) of The Adam Brown, an indie rock band from Montreal who've toured with Michael Cera & Alden Penner and who recently released their record, "What We'll Never Know" plus tracks by Hey Major, Attica Riots, Odder than the Otters, Fortune Killers, Whale and the Wolf, Year of the Wolf, Bestie featuring Humans and...
SOS, Mayor, Waiha Warriors
26 Oct, 2023 | 0:29:45 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
Bedross Der Matossian - Armenia, Artsakh & Azerbaijan
23 Oct, 2023 | 0:52:04 |
EN | Shawna Sprowls |

Quickly lost in media coverage was a conflict that ended recently between the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh, Artsakh in Armenian and Azerbaijan. It resulted in the ethnic cleansing of the Armenian enclave. This is a huge blow to the millennial old Armenian people. Their land was under siege by Azerbaijan. On September 19th Azerbaijan invaded. The outnumbered and outgunned Armenians...
29 min feature of Leisure Club plus 27 min of Western Canadian indie music mix
20 Oct, 2023 | 0:56:34 |
EN | Mae Wandinger | Indie Beat

9 minute feature (includes interview and songs) of Leisure Club, a 5-piece indie pop band from Vancouver, who've just released their new singles, Hard to Find and I Want You in the Dark, plus tracks by Astrocolor feat. Fox Glove, Goodwood Atoms, Busty and the Bass, Too Soon Monsoon, Jordan Klassen, Nat Jay, Little India (now Soul Push) and Too...
Therabounce, Paralympic training, autism Ontario
19 Oct, 2023 | 0:29:50 |
EN | CJAM-FM Music Department |

This program focuses on disability issues. Host Cam Wells will explore all sides of this comparing and contrasting with able bodied life.
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